Beare and Son Ltd
Unit 18 Tavistock Place
Tavistock Street
Bedfordshire LU6 1NE
Tel: 01582 477130
Normal opening hours are Monday - Friday 9.30 to 4.30
Weekends are by appointment only.
How to find us:
Tavistock Place is a small industrial estate just off Tavistock Street in Dunstable, Bedfordshire.
You will approach from either North or South on the A5 High Street North. The landmark to look out for is a Tesco Express/Esso Filling Station which will be on your right if coming from Dunstable town centre, and on your left if coming from the Leighton Buzzard/Milton Keynes direction.
Tavistock Street is immediately adjacent to the Esso Filling Station forecourt.
The entrance to Tavistock Place is on your right immediately behind the Filling Station. It is only 25 metres into Tavistock Street so do not go too far as it is a one-way street.
Turn into Tavistock Place and turn left at the top. You will see 'Beare & Son' above the double white doors on your right.
You should be able to park more or less right outside the door.
Tavistock Street from the A5 High Street North
Tavistock Place entrance from Tavistock Street
Turn in here and go up to the top
Beare & Son on the right (just behind the black car)
Registered in England no. 04580313
VAT no. 232 0244 20